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Държава: | ||||
България. | ||||
Дата на раждане: | ||||
15 юли, 1977. | ||||
Професия: | ||||
- Персонален фитнес треньор - Studio Fitness - Треньор по канадска борба - Armsport Blagoevgrad - armsportclub.hit.bg - Председател на Armsport Club Blagoevgrad | ||||
Време в спорта: | ||||
I've been pulling since 1998. One of my best friends Boyko Todorov asked me to go with him at his first tourney and we drove 450 km. Then he told me "why dont you try?" and I tried. I won only one match, but that was enough for me, since then the armwrestling is in my mind almost all the time. Of course I was pulling before, but it was at school on the desks.
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Тегло | ||||
80-85 kg. | ||||
Предмишница: | ||||
35 cm. | ||||
Бицепс: | ||||
40 cm. | ||||
Стил на игра: | ||||
Toproll. | ||||
Най-трудният противник: | ||||
Cvetan Gashevski (BUL). | ||||
Най-трудният мач: | ||||
World arm wrestling championship for students 2005, left hand match with a Russian over 5 min with many restarts, I just couldn’t finish my opponent, I got hand control, but he had too much side pressure. I won the match but that was almost everything for the day… later it was announced as the longest match in the tourney.
http://www.armsport-rus.ru/NewVer/Foto/01.03.05/40_L.jpghttp://www.armsport-rus.ru/NewVer/Foto/01.03.05/39_L.jpg http://www.armsport-rus.ru/NewVer/Foto/01.03.05/38_L.jpg | ||||
Постижения: | ||||
- Републикански шампион - Треньор на най-добрият отбор в България за юноши - 2004, 2008-2010 - Треньор на най-добрият отбор в България за мъже - 2004-2010 (без 2006) | ||||
Най-добрият съвет относно тренировките: | ||||
Слушайте „правилните” хора и не се страхувайте да попитате. | ||||
Състезатели, които ви вдъхновяват: | ||||
John Brzenk, Cvetan Gashevski, Engin Terzi. | ||||
Неизвестни таланти: | ||||
Риболов. | ||||
Какви промени в спорта, бихте желали да видите: | ||||
- Pads which will limit the elbow fouls. We are all tired of premature stoppage of great battles.
- Equal strap for both competitors…haven’t you seen many times the comic situation - running for the better spot, the speed in Armwrestling is important, but after the go :) in a serious sport the competitors must be in the same position.
- Weight in 3-4 hours before World and Europe Championships, just like all sports.
- Please make a lower step for the 2nd ref, we want to watch the match. It’s healthier for the ref as well, it’s brutal to stay all day long on one knee.
- Fixed tables to the ground. It’s not professional, during a battle the refs to hold the table, not watching for the rules.
- Start the match in “Refs Grip” no need to wait minutes, 80% of the most interesting matches are in “Refs Grip” anyway.
- Changing “Ready – Go“ to “Don’t move – Go”. This soon will be changed, just took decades…
Let’s not lie ourselves, the “AIR TIME” is too expensive, and people lose interest very fast. We must adapt, not waiting for a miracle. Fixing those PROBLEMS is the key to the ultimate goal – better recognition for the sport of armwrestling. Broad casts, articles, prize money, sponsor’s contracts, Olympics – you name it, we can have it. Our sport is enough attractive, we have to show its best face.
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Цели: | ||||
As competitor – pulling one more time As trainer - helping to my competitors to achieve their goals. | ||||
![]() ![]() Кирил през май, 2007. |

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