John Brzenk, USA - Hall Of Fame

Профил - John Brzenk, USA
Photo: HeavenlyMemories   
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Rustam Babayev, UKR - Nemiroff Cup 2009, Warsaw, Poland - Qual. + final
Denis Cyplenkov, RUS - PAL Vendetta 2009, Las Vegas, USA - 6 matches
Denis Cyplenkov, RUS - Nemiroff Cup 2008, Warsaw, Poland - Open final
Denis Cyplenkov, RUS - Nemiroff Cup 2008, Warsaw, Poland - 1st match
Ron Bath, USA - ROTN 2008, USA
Marcio Barboza, BRA - ROTN 2008, USA
Andrey Pushkar, UKR - Nemiroff World Cup 2007, Warsaw, Poland
Farid Usmanov, UZB - Nemiroff World Cup 2007, Warsaw, Poland
Farid Usmanov, UZB - Ultimate Armwrestling 2006, Las Vegas, USA
Alexey Semerenko, UKR - Nemiroff World Cup 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Andrey Pushkar, UKR - Nemiroff World Cup 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Dzambolat Tsoriev, RUS - Nemiroff World Cup 2005, Warsaw, Poland
Taras Ivakin, UKR - Nemiroff World Cup 2004, Warsaw, Poland
Devon Larratt, CAN - Superstar Showdown 2004, Chehalis, USA 2
Devon Larratt, CAN - Superstar Showdown 2004, Chehalis, USA 1
Ron Bath, USA - Ultimate Armwrestling 2004, Las Vegas, USA
Allan Karaev, RUS - Golden Bear 1998, Moscow, Russia
Zaur Tskadadze, GEO - Golden Bear 1994, Moscow, Russia - 2
Zaur Tskadadze, GEO - Golden Bear 1994, Moscow, Russia - 1
Zaur Tskadadze, GEO - Golden Bear 1990, Moscow, Russia
Clay Rosencrans, USA - Super Classic VIII 1985, Las Vegas, USA
Date of birth
15 July, 1964.
Lineservice mechanic at Delta Airlines.
Started armwrestling
I have been armwrestling what seems to be my whole life. About 5 years of non serious stuff across class room tables in grade school. Then at about 16 I became a more serious puller. Pulling with my father on a regulation table. I won my first World Title at age 18.
95 kg.
39,5 cm.
44,5 cm.
Fighting style
Toughest opponent
My toughest opponents are against the guys that truly have the confidence to win, and do not except defeat no matter the position or circumstance. Losing is easy if its quick, and I know I will have a second chance to try something different later in the day. The ones that hurt are the ones that last awhile early on. They are the tough ones, because I know there is a good chance, because of fatigue, that I may get beat by someone that shouldn't beat me in a later round.
Toughest match
My toughest matches would be the ones that I put pressure on myself to win. High stake tournaments like the Over the Top tournament and some of the bigger money matches are always tougher physically and mentally leading up to the tournament. Win or lose. Matches are enjoyable for me when I haven't been thinking about them months in advance. I don't have any one armwrestler that I am currently training to beat. Currently there are so many good armwrestlers with different strengths and weaknesses around the world that it would be very difficult to key on one area... or person.

It would require a lot of thought and a little luck to win a full heavyweight class if everyone were to show up. Many would be very difficult to eliminate without causing considerable wear and tear on the arm for later matches.
How many tournaments have you won?
I honestly couldn't begin to guess how many first place finishes I have had through the years. When I first started I would pull almost once a week. And had hundreds of trophies stacked everywhere. Now I pull on average about 6 tournaments a year, and have about half a dozen trophies left sitting around. Yes I have lost my share of matches getting involved in the sport, but have been very fortunate, with real good timing to win most of the major opportunities to have come along.
Best training advice
If you want to be a good boxer then box. If you want to be a good tennis player then play tennis. If you want to be a good weight lifter then lift weights. But if you want to be a good armwrestler get involved in the sport and armwrestle. Don't be afraid to lose. Learn and get stronger from competitors that may be more advanced than you. Pull hard and be aggressive but keep in mind there is such a thing as too much. Give your body time to heal. Armwrestling strength takes time to develop..... hang in there and give yourself plenty of time, it won't happen overnight.
Pulling John website: 
SXSW 2009 Film Trailer: Pulling John

Articles with John Brzenk
Interview with John Brzenk - "The younger years"
Interview with John Brzenk - "Training"
"A Michael Jordan Lives in Sandy" - Article on
Interview on
John Brzenk on Wikipedia
Ask John Brzenk - - Page 1, Page 2, Page 3.
Questions and answers on

John winning the first match against Denis Cyplenkov
at Nemiroff World Cup 2008, Poland.


John winning the final match against Denis.

Ron Bath and John Brzenk
at Arnold Classic 2007.

John Brzenk and Alexey Semerenko
at Zloty Tur 2005 in Poland.

John and Sylvester Stallone
at Over the top in 1986.

John and Sylvester Stallone
at the production of Over the top.

Rick Zumwalt, Sylvester Stallone
and John Brzenk.
Richard Lupkes and
John Brzenk in 1991.
Bill and John Brzenk in Russia.

John and Gary Stain.

John and Dave Patton
in 1984.
Ron Bath and John.

John in Istanbul, March 2010.


John Brzenk and Dick Ivars
at John Brzenk Cup in Sweden 1999.

Ion Oncescu and John Brzenk at a Vendetta in May 2007.



Andrey Pushkar VS John Brzenk at Nemiroff World Cup 2005, Poland.

John vs. Zaur Tskadadze in Moscow 1990.

Winner in the Open category with right hand,
Nemiroff World Cup 2009.

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